All office 365 hosted email domain are subdomains of this address.
The issue was discovered when we tried to send an email manually using a text based email tool.
The dialog looks like this (note that the unique data has been modified for privacy):
blat.exe -body "this is a test" -to -server -f -s "Test of SMTP" -debug
Blat v3.1.1 (build : Feb 27 2013 20:04:23)
32-bit Windows, Full, Unicode
>>>putline>>> EHLO lab1-exch2013
Subject: Test of SMTP
Login name is
>>>putline>>> MAIL FROM:<>
*** Warning *** The SMTP server does not like the name
*** Warning *** Have you set the 'To:' field correctly, or do you need authorization (-u/-pw) ?
*** Warning *** The SMTP server response was -> 550 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using Spamhaus; To request removal from this list see
>>>putline>>> QUIT
The IP address (not shown) was a static IP assigned to a Telus.Net client.
A quick check at revealed that blocked at Spamhaus, and SORBS, but no others.
Next, a check at Spamhaus indicated that the IP Address is listed in the PBL. What is the PBL you say? It is a list of addresses that require Authentication or discrete PTR records in order to be trusted.
See and enter your IP address for a lookup.
In my case is says:
By default, this assumes that the IP is a Dynamically Assigned IP. In our case of course, from Telus.
There are 2 solutions for our problem of being able to send to any email domain by MX record.
- We could go to Telus and request a discrete PTR record, or
- we can simple configure the Exchange Send Connector to use the SMTP Smart host of
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