Monday, March 6, 2017

Exchange DAG Failover Report - CollectOverMetrics.ps1

Below is my quick command that requires no customization to run on any installation:

  • Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup |%{ .\CollectOverMetrics.ps1 -DatabaseAvailabilityGroup "$($" -StartTime ((get-date).AddDays(-365)) -EndTime ((get-date)) -MergeCSVFiles}

Note that this script is located in the "Scripts" directory of your Exchange v15 installation. 

Friday, March 3, 2017

Raspberry PI - ADS-B

I have been working on a few Raspberry PI projects and seem to be a consistently drawn to an ADS-B project.
The context is that I was planning a Flight Data Recorder (GPS, Gyro, and G-meter) for recording an Aerobatic flight, and find that there are several initiatives that use very similar components to build an ADS-B device.

My thoughts are that the Data logging and the ADS-B projects could be combined to create a "black box" recorder that could used for 3 target markets:
  1. ADS-B out as per the original project.
  2. Data Logging for Aerobatic flight analysis as well as Schools and shared planes.
  3. "Black Box" information in the event of an accident or crash.  

The projects of interest are: