See the following for
step by step how to use active directory powersSell cmdlets against 2003 domain controllers
Also, in order to run RSAT on Windows 7, with 2003 or 2008 DC's:
This is still untested, but it looks like the author has figured out how to add the Active Directory PowerShell modules to Windows 7.
Why would you want to do this?
Well, I am writing PowerShell script to document AD, and I would like to be able to run them in an older AD environment, such as an upgrade candidate, etc.
With a Win 7 workstation, I am hoping that I can load it up and run the script against an old 2003 server.
System Requirements:
This information was found on a forum (
Also see:
I decided to post the content here just in case I loose access to the blog.
In summary:
I found a very Simple and Elegant way to make the AD PowerShell Module Portable.
you will need 3 simple things
1.) the ActiveDirectory Module Directory from a system that has it already installed.
Standard path on a 64bit windows 7
2.) Global Assembly Cache Utility
Available from the Windows SDK
3.) the Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management dll assembly
found on a system that already has the RSAT and powershell enabled. Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll
Now in order to make this work you need to install the dll using the gacutil program. commandline is as follows.
GACUTIL.exe -I Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll
Once installed you must copy the entire directory from item 1 to the powershell module location.
Once copied you can then use the import command to import it and
start using the cmdlets. below is my batch file I wrote to automate
this for deployment during SCCM.
We want our help desk to be able to clone security groups assigned to
our computers for application deployment so that when they image a
replacement computer the new computer will automatically get the
previously assigned applications. Also see below
for that powershell script as well. Hope this helps the community.
And for the people/MS that say it can not be done, here to you :)
REM ************************************
REM SET Working Directory
REM ************************************
@setlocal enableextensions
@cd /d "%~dp0"
REM ************************************
REM Copy Module
REM ************************************
if not exist
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\ActiveDirectory mkdir
xcopy /y /e .\ActiveDirectory\*.* C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\ActiveDirectory
REM ************************************
REM Install Microsoft Active Directory Assembly
REM ************************************
gacutil.exe -i Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll
REM ************************************
REM Set Powershell Execution Policy
REM ************************************
powershell set-executionpolicy remotesigned
REM ************************************
REM Run Computer Membership Clone
REM ************************************
powershell ./ADCompMemberof.ps1
Powershell script to copy group membership of a computer object in AD
# Create TS Environment COM Object
$TS = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
$array = @()
$groups = Get-AdComputer -Identity $source -property "MemberOf"
Foreach($group in $groups.memberOf) {
$array +=$group
Get-ADComputer -Identity $target | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf $array